So last night I had the weirdest dream I can remember. I don't know if it was because it was beer-induced or because I didn't sleep all week, or my brain is just fucking with me.
The annoying part about dreams is that you have to write about them as soon as you get up, otherwise you'll forget. So right now I will type what I do remember.
I was sitting with my friend Eli and arguing with him for the longest part of the dream. I don't know if were in the pub or the university or the table, but eventually I left with some friends and when I got outside it was a steep and heavily-vegetated field, probably where I took most of my ecology labs (which reminds me...I have a midterm for that soon, shit). As we were going down this hill I was having a lot of trouble getting my footing, so I looked down and saw a giant Pikachu.
I turned to point this out to my friend Jen, who loves Pikachu a lot; but when I looked again it turned out to be a person in a Pikachu costume and this person was taking it off.
And underneath this costume was the most hideous person I had ever seen. If you have ever seen Excalibur from Soul Eater, picture that, except it being a real person; it even had a top hat (underneath the Pikachu costume??).
I honestly don't know how to describe this person (not even the gender!); it's skin was grayish green, it had a unnatural long mouth with tiny teeth like an alligator, but it was oddly lumpy and fleshy. I don't even remember it if had eyes, but it was horrible.
When this creature turned I screamed involuntarily. Then I felt really bad because I thought for some reason this was a human being with feelings and I had just been really insensitive. I woke up at this point but fell asleep almost immediately and when I was dreaming again this creature was bearing down on my and I was doing my best to run scared shitless up the hill while trying not to be insensitive to other people's deformities.
I think I screamed more than once before I woke up for good.
I'll be the last to know, probably.
I think the oddest part of this dream was how much I was screaming, because I'm not a screamer in real life (I yell a lot, but that different).
EWWWW! You saw that disgusting creature twice in dreams in one night?? Not a good sign ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.