Friday, November 18, 2011

Calm your tits

So I've calmed down since I wrote the last post. Put things into perspective. Still sad, but at least not really Bleak City, Depression Town.

Taken a sober outlook on the situation since yesterday. Dancing Jesus helped.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So because I am a hopeless waste of space it turns out I have managed to fuck up my life to a level even I thought previously unachievable.
In essence, if I don't start killing myself with work RIGHT NOW, the future looks so bleak suicide starts to sound rather reasonable.

Because I messed up so badly, even if I manage to pull the next few weeks off, the results will not be pretty.

And I don't want sympathy, I deserve verbal abuse.

I brought all of this down on myself even though I knew it was a bad idea from the start. So it's all my fault and the reek of failure will be forever on me and I deserve it.

So I plan to spend the next few weeks on my own Fortress of Solitude, only it won't be made out of ice (hopefully, I hate cold) and it won't be a castle, and Superman won't be there and there won't be any nifty gadgets.

The essential part is that I will be alone, working or yelling at myself for not working and failing everything

Eltitere is having a brain spasm right now and would like to swear off the internet for good. Because I have no self-control, I are unlikely NOT stop checking my deviantArt comments because they're the only nice interaction I have with other human beings these days FOREVER ALONE

HOWEVER, If I DO NOT answer your comments, take this as a good sign!! I means I am actually working or dropped dead.

To maximize damage control, I will definitely won't be looking at my deviantWatch

Don't wish me luck, wish me self-control.



Sunday, November 13, 2011



Oh hai, it's me talking about about abortion again, what a surprise, no?

It's just so nice to find someone on the side of the Pro-Lifers who can honestly say that some of their people on their own group are stupid and insane.
I just wish more people saw it like she does: abortion is not an issue about loose women led astray by the devil in society. It's not something that will be resolved by making it illegal either.
If you have a problem with abortion, then you have to realize where the need for abortion comes from.
If you help prevent unwanted pregnancies, you prevent abortion.
If you block pregnant women and teenagers from entering a clinic, you're an idiot.

In other news, this has been a horrid weekend for me and it's NOT OVER YET.
I honestly feel like shit lately. I need a hug

 Exams are coming and I am NOT PREPARED

And Open Office is butchering all my rtf files.

I feel like I have no right to complain, since I have never been known for being a super-diligent student and people are telling me left and right what a messed-up person I am.

But when I complain, I don't expect people to do anything about it; I just wanted some shared sympathy. I usually sympathize with other when they complain to me...
Maybe I used up all my sympathy credits and everybody's fed up with me for not doing anything to improve my situation.

Argh, writing this is too depressing.
I can honestly say I am very tired, physically, mentally and emotionally right now.

But I don't want to make more excuses for myself to keep acting like a dumbass, so I'll stop writing this blog and get on to doing my homework :(

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Manga Sutra/Futari Ecchi

In a rather random but happy find, I bought Manga Sutra in a used books event.

As the title would imply, it's a manga (or rather, a Japanese) version and distillation of the famous sex guide Kama Sutra.
Now most people think the Kama Sutra is porn and/or a guide to sex positions. And don't get me wrong, it is that to an extent.

But both the Manga Sutra and Kama Sutra are a guide to having good sex with your partner. It comes with helpful tips about positions and advice when to stop and how to try different stimulations so both of you can get off. I don't know about you, but despite the massive, massive amount of porn and sex guides available on the internet, very few of them actually focus on making both partners in a relationship happy. And as far as I know, none of them have helpful diagrams like the one below

I mean honestly, try typing "penis guide" on google and not getting millions of fun but completely unhelpful smut sites.

Manga Sutra takes complete advantage of it's visual medium to include diagrams like the one above, as well as types of breasts, erogenous zones, hymen shape, etc.
Unfortunately Japanese censorship does not allow pictures of genitalia (excluding shaded, un-sexy diagrams like the one above); so it's rather lacking on visuals of penes and labia. Kind of sad for a sex guide in my opinion. I have not finished reading all 37 volumes of it, but I'm pretty sure that without being able to depict genitalia, the author would have a hard time explaining how cleaning it is an important part of sexual health, including when and where to clean the male and female organs.

Also, neither the old Indian text or the rather modern Japanese one talk about gay relationships. Quelle surprise.

But this manga/guide does have a lot of good points. They talk about the importance of communicating with your partner and taking care of their needs while making them know you want your needs to be taken care of.
Its modern setting works to its advantage as they can talk about how ridiculous it is in the 20th century (when this was first published) for a man to tell his wife that she's required by law to have sex on request.
Despite the fact that the main couple is a married, monogamous couple; characters with several partners exist and they are not portrayed in a negative light. I find it charming that the first of these polyamorous characters introduced is a woman and she is not portrayed as a slut for having five boyfriends and losing her virginity before marriage. Rather open-minded for Japan!

As I said, I have not read this series to its entirety yet, so I don't know all the subjects it covers and how well it covers them. But I have high expectations.
I assume that they will talk about contraceptives and lubrication more. This was lightly touched on in the first two volumes, but I know for a fact there's a false alarm pregnancy later so they have to bring it up at some point. Otherwise I will be disappoint, especially for a series that focuses on heterosexual sex.
I also think that sex toys will come in at some point as well, since talk about masturbation and partner stimulation has not been lacking so far. Maybe a hint of how to play safe BDSM?

Either way, I'm glad I read this. Not that I will ever use this sort of advice because I'm a Forever Alone Permavirgin, thanks to living a liberal society, I knew a lot of the things the book stipulated; but I imagine this advice will be helpful to some people. Spread the word!
Manga Sutra is not your regular porn.

Final thoughts: so far I think all the sex scenes have been very male-oriented. This may change as the series goes on, but it's been rather flat on how women feel about sex.

Linking to my livejournal

Linking here to my livejournal, where I keep an archive of all my writings except perhaps this blog.

If you came from deviantart to read my smut, you're on the right track! deviantArt apparently has some pretty strict rules about what sort of porn is allowed in there, even though I HAVE read some pretty steamy pieces. Maybe the mods were asleep. I don't know. I'm definitely not going to report anybody, I think that sort of censorship is pretty stupid.

This double-non-direct linking to sexy writing should be enough for deviantart to keep being fooled into thinking I'm an upstanding citizen. I have yet to be reported for doing anything over there, so let's see how long that lasts!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A mature talk about Pornography

Personally I find that there is very little that one could truly label universally "disgusting". Every single person has his/her own different things that turn them on and it's foolish to expect there to be an universal standard.

So when it comes to works of erotica in deviantArt or any other art site, I think the only thing we should demand is for the work to come with a warning label so people who are not into that sort of thing can avoid it. That's I would not object to seeing a woman's vajay-jay (ASIDE: I honestly have a hard time using a word for this. "Pussy" is too informal and "labia" is too medical. I refuse to use the word "vagina" because it does NOT refer to a woman's genitalia, especially not her outer genitalia. Vagina is the birth canal, so you would need a flashlight to see it, it's not something anybody could catch a glimpse of if her panties fall down. While searching for an appropriate replacement, I found this website which somehow helped even less.) dripping wet on the front page. Someone drew it so other people could appreciate it, I don't have a problem with that.

The only sort of pornography I think should REALLY be banned from deviantart or anywhere else is anything truly non-consensual. That includes paedophilia and bestiality, since neither children nor animals can consent to sex in any possible scenario.

But even then there are several degrees of gray areas. Do we judge paedophilia based in your country's local laws about age of consent? Personally I don't think a sexual drawing of a 17-year-old is paedophilic in any way, but it is banned by deviantart standards regardless. 
I also don't think a drawing of two 12-year-old girls kissing is automatically wrong, because in context it can be completely innocent.
Even paintings or pictures of naked children don't have to be pornographic
Take a look at these two from the Victorian era and tell me they are "wrong" somehow

When it comes to animals, I'm pretty sure you've heard of "furries". Well, like paedophilia, there are also several degrees to measure it by. Human beings find it sexually arousing when other people are "exotic". This can mean that they are another race, or from another country or simply are different. There are styles of furry art that are simply taking a human being and making it exotic by adding fur or feather and simple animalistic features. However, at the bottom the base is still human, which is why I say the majority of furries are not actually sexually attracted to animals.
For example, take a look at this image

This creation is more human than rabbit. Every single characteristic designed to make her desirable; her breasts, her hips, her small thong, her basic anatomy; are completely human. None of her animal features are sexualized. 

I developed a level of tolerance for fetishes that don't attract me. If it's scat, waterworks, midget, etc. porn; I'm not interested. But I'm not going to rain on the parade of people that DO like it by complaining and trying to get it banned. As long as it's consensual, I just won't look at it.

NEXT TIME (hopefully): a feminist look at porn. Does it really hurt women? In what context does this happen?