Needless to say, if you're not a fan of corpses, animal, or otherwise; don't read further or at least don't come complaining to me when you throw up.
So today I decided to bury the corpse of a bird I found yesterday and the one of a mouse I found in January or something. The mouse was in a semi-air-tight jar, which meant it didn't smell nasty except when you opened, which was what I had to do ._.
Anyway, the bird was only one day dead but it was still covered with flies. Either the flies or the maggots or the ants had already eaten the bird's eyes.
I found the corpse of a rook I had found a few months ago, and to my delight it was already picked clean. It had still dozens of maggot eggs on it, but the ants were picking those clean and the bones looked really neat. I don't know what happened to the feathers.
Something odd I noticed from the rook corpse is that it was covered white stuff I have yet to identify. Well, not really covered, but it was definitely noticeable on the body. This white stuff was also on the blades of grass and the ground surrounding the area where the body has been.
If I go by the information Bones has given, that white stuff is grease; but who can trust moronic Dr. Brennan? I'm sure she got her degree by a mail-order course from Indonesia.
Speaking of TV unreality, the squirrel corpse was hard to find. ಠ______ಠ
How the hell does the police human human corpses that have been specifically hidden??
I mean, I buried this squirrel on my own backyard, marking the spot with rocks and I still had a lot of trouble finding the rocks alone. I have been digging for one hour and I have only have found tiny bones. Where's my skull?
I also found the white stuff around the ex-squirrel, so I'm guessing there's definitely a connection between this "grease" and corpses.
Anyway, after a while I opened the mouse jar to let the nasty smell out. I put the mouse next to the fresh bird and holy shit the number of flies quadrupled in seconds.
After a while of digging and looking for my squirrel and my woodpecker (this woodpecker is the first bird I've buried, but I honestly don't remember if it was next to the squirrel >_>) I looked at the new bird and mouse again.
There was a lot of yellow stuff in the sheet of paper they were resting and it took me a few seconds to realize they were maggot eggs. Nature sure works fast 0_o
Not only had the flies laid the eggs already, but the ants were hard at work carrying them off o_____o
Seriously, no time wasted -_-;;;
So I took pictures of the eggs and I realized the flies were trying to work their way inside the bird's butt, or anus if you want to be all science-cy
I did this all in the name of science, trying to jump-start my career as a forensic pathologist. I realized that training to be a forensic scientist and a serial killer look very similar -_-;
And I sure felt dumb, since I actually confused some peanut shells, some branches and a some rocks with squirrel bones >_>
Look, everything that is buried has the same shade of shit-brown, so they are really hard to tell apart and I don't have a hose. I even found some things that I don't know if are pieces of wood or really soft bones. They sure look a lot like bones, but the density is all wrong. They also smell a bit nasty :p
Anyway, that is all for today, it's too mosquito-y out for me to continue working. No sign of a squirrel or woodpecker skull so far, but I have a bunch of lesser bones, so I guess I'm doing something right.
In other news, deviantART has completely sidetracked my mission of emptying all my inboxes >_>
I still have more than 500 unopened messages; I have many, many chapters to write; a whole box of Kijiji shit to sell; three detailed fanarts to draw and my costumes to do AND I CANNOT DO ANYTHING BECAUSE I HAVE THE ATTENTION SPAN OF A GNAT. ARGH.
I honestly don't know where to start :(
On a happier note, I'm watching the shit out of Harry Potter this weekend :D
When I download my pictures I will make before-and-after pics of the squirrel :3